What Should the US-UN Partnership Prioritize?


Date: Sept. 20, 2017
Location: Washington, DC


Like you, I keep a careful eye on major international events that continuously unfold around the world. These events play a significant role in our daily lives and frequently impact our national and personal interests. The rapid rise of globalization, twenty-four-hour news outlets, and technology has connected us to the global community in ways unforeseen just a few years ago.

And, as I'm sure you are aware, the world is a wild and complex place; it can often feel that once we have extinguished one geopolitical fire, two more appear. But despite the innumerable global challenges, the U.S. is still the leader of the free world, and we must continue to work to promote a better future. For as Edmund Burke once said, "the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

This week, world leaders gathered in New York City where President Trump made his debut in front of the entire United Nations General Assembly. The president addressed a range of issues, including threats from North Korea and Iran, the displacement of Syrian refugees, the erosion of democracy in Venezuela, multinational trade deals, and the continued lack of respect for human rights around the world.

In addition to addressing the entire General Assembly, the president will be meeting with key world leaders where he is expected to reaffirm U.S. global leadership, promote peace and prosperity, and advocate for sovereignty and accountability.

I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with me. Your opinion helps shape my thinking as I represent you in Washington.

